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Repairs - Audi A4/S4 (8D) B5 - Direction indicator light failure

Partial or total failure of direction indicator light. The acoustic signal might also be affected.


199,00 EUR *
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* All prices quoted include statutory value added tax.

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8D0 919 033 A, 8D0919033A
8D0 919 033 C, 8D0919033C
8D0 919 033 F, 8D0919033F
8D0 919 033 P, 8D0919033P
8D0 919 034 B, 8D0919034B
8D0 919 034 C, 8D0919034C
8D0 919 034 E, 8D0919034E
8D0 919 272 B, 8D0919272B
8D0 919 860 E, 8D0919860E
8D0 919 860 G, 8D0919860G
8D0 919 861 A, 8D0919861A
8D0 919 861 C, 8D0919861C
8D0 919 861 F, 8D0919861F
8D0 919 861 H, 8D0919861H
8D0 919 880 M, 8D0919880M
8D0 919 880 N, 8D0919880N
8D0 919 880 P, 8D0919880P
8D0 919 880 R, 8D0919880R
8D0 919 881 J, 8D0919881J
8D0 919 881 L, 8D0919881L
8D0 920 900 B, 8D0920900B
8D0 920 900 H, 8D0920900H
8D0 920 900 J, 8D0920900J
8D0 920 900 K, 8D0920900K
8D0 920 900 M, 8D0920900M
8D0 920 900 P, 8D0920900P
8D0 920 900 Q, 8D0920900Q
8D0 920 900 R, 8D0920900R
8D0 920 900 T, 8D0920900T
8D0 920 901 D, 8D0920901D
8D0 920 901 F, 8D0920901F
8D0 920 930 A, 8D0920930A
8D0 920 930 M, 8D0920930M
8D0 920 930 N, 8D0920930N
8D0 920 930 Q, 8D0920930Q
8D0 920 931 T, 8D0920931T

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