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Repairs - Audi A4/S4 (8E/8H) B6/B7 - Airbag error in the instrument cluster

Airbag error in the instrument cluster: after 10 min. drive the airbag idicator light illuminates and stays on.

The error cannot be deleted. Due to a software malfunction and as part of the overall protection of the component, the airbag computer can develop the following malfunctions:

00474 - Immobiliser control unit, no signal/communication
01794 - Control unit wrong chassis number

Furthermore, the airbag error indicator illuminates permanently, roughly 10 minutes after turning on the ignition. Car computer functions do not work properly: e.g. it is not possible to switch between constant and day mode. The radio-control clock doesn't work properly or not at all.

The malfunction occurs most commonly after: battery malfunction, jumpstarting or battery exchange.


from 155,00 EUR *
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* All prices quoted include statutory value added tax.

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8E0 920 900 F, 8E0920900F
8E0 920 900 G, 8E0920900G
8E0 920 900 H, 8E0920900H
8E0 920 900 K, 8E0920900K
8E0 920 900 L, 8E0920900L
8E0 920 901 H, 8E0920901H
8E0 920 930 D, 8E0920930D
8E0 920 930 F, 8E0920930F
8E0 920 930 G, 8E0920930G
8E0 920 930 H, 8E0920930H
8E0 920 930 J, 8E0920930J
8E0 920 930 K, 8E0920930K
8E0 920 930 R, 8E0920930R
8E0 920 930 S, 8E0920930S
8E0 920 932 B, 8E0920932B
8E0 920 933 D, 8E0920933D

8H0 920 930 A, 8H0920930A
8H0 920 930 D, 8H0920930D
8H0 920 930 E, 8H0920930E
8H0 920 930 F, 8H0920930F
8H0 920 930 J, 8H0920930J
8H0 920 930 K, 8H0920930K
8H0 920 930 R, 8H0920930R
8H0 920 931 M, 8H0920931M
8H0 920 981 H, 8H0920981H
8H0 920 981 K, 8H0920981K

0 263 646 114, 0263646114
0 263 642 115, 0263642115

Außerdem alle Kombiinstrumente der Baureihen RB4 und RB8.

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