for over 25 years
guaranteed quality
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service hotline:
0511 / 67 66 97 0

Questions about pixel faults or repairs?

  • HavenŽt found an answer to your question?

  • Contact us and we will get back to you immediately!

  • Or arrange an appointment with us, where we can give you further face-to-face advice.

Professional assistance for the safe correction of your electronic problems and a pleasurable driving experience!


FAQs on pixel faults

Why is the price for the repair of pixel faults not always the same?

Pixel faults are not always caused by the same error. Therefore, we sometimes only have to replace specific parts, sometimes the whole display. The price for the replacement parts depends on the model and make being replaced and thus has an influence on the final price. Labour time also differs from model to model.

FAQs on DIS (driver information system)

Another company repaired my FIS. The pixel faults have now been rectified, but the display remains dark. I have been told that this fault has nothing to do with the pixel faults I previously had and therefore cannot make use of my guarantee.

The FIS display can be affected by two related series faults: pixel faults and the so-called "dark cloud effect", which results in a dark display. It appears that your FIS display was replaced with a second-hand one, thus rectifying only part of the fault. Before you have your display repaired, please make sure that the display was replaced with a new one. You should have this confirmed in writing and, where necessary, be showed the new display. DTS always replaces FIS displays with new ones, thus ensuring that both series faults - even if one or the other has not yet put in an appearance - are rectified!

FAQs Repair process

Why do I need to complete an online repair order form?

Reason 1: You will be assigned with a repair order number immediately

As soon as you have completed the online repair order form and sent the data by clicking on the button"place order" you will receive a repair order number. Should you need to contact us about the repair status of your instrument, this number will allow you to find out all you need to know in no time at all!

Reason 2: This ensures the quickest way of processing your order!

The completed form contains all the data we need to process your order, thus avoiding unnecessary delays which can be caused by missing information and follow-up telephone calls. The software we use - and especially developed for our needs - administers and saves the data we need, so that we can inform you at any time on your instrument's repair status and history. Should you not have a printer, you can of course send an accompanying letter with your instrument.

Why do you not offer a repair service on the customer's premises?

A professional and serious repair service can only be carried out in a high-grade and tidy workshop. We carry out repairs in a high precision manner, supported by machines which cannot be easily dismantled, transported and then re-assembled. Some repairs also require different tools, tests or parts and therefore can take longer to be completed. We want to be able to help you with every problem, no matter how complicated or unusual it may be. We encourage you to take the time and make an appointment with us or send your instrument to us. That little bit of extra time and effort will be worth it!

How long will the repair take?

All standard repairs will be carried out and the instruments dispatched by courier on the same day. Some problems - which may require more in-depth tests or require more unusual parts which need to be ordered, for example - take longer to solve, meaning that the repair can take longer. Once the diagnostic analysis has been carried out, we will be able to inform you of when you can expect to receive your instrument back.

How much does a diagnostic analysis cost?

We only carry out repairs if they are economically viable and do not exceed the price of a new instrument. Part of our service is to give you a non-binding, free estimate for all non-standard faults. Should a repair not be possible, be considered unviable, or you decide against having your instrument repaired for any other reason, you will only have to pay any postage and packing costs incurred. We only charge for a diagnostic analysis which involves time and cost-intensive tests. Should this be the case, we will inform you of the extra costs before carrying out the tests.

Can I still drive my car, even if the instrument cluster is missing?

All BMW and Mercedes vehicles can be driven without the instrument cluster. The immobiliser of some other models is integrated into the instrument cluster - if this is the case, then you will not be able to start the car without the instrument cluster.

Does my instrument cluster need to be coded once it has been repaired?

No, your instrument cluster does not need to be coded: all you need to do is to reinstall it into your vehicle. Any coding necessary during the repair will be carried out by us.

Does the mileage remain the same, even after repair?

Yes, the vehicle's mileage stays the same, as we carry out any necessary coding during the repair. All you need to do is reinstall the instrument cluster into your vehicle, once the repair has been carried out!

Can I have my instruments repaired on your premises, even if I haven't got an appointment?

Sometimes we can carry out standard repairs without an appointment. We cannot however predict how long we will need to carry out the repair, especially if other customers have already booked an appointment with us for the same time. In order to avoid unnecessary waiting time, we would recommend your making an appointment 1-2 days in advance.

How can I transfer the repair fee in advance?

By transferring the repair in advance, you can avoid having to pay the COD fee. When placing your order online, please choose the option "payment in advance". You will then receive an invoice via email. Please ensure that you include the invoice number on the transfer order.

My radio-controlled clock shows the wrong time once the repair has been done. Is there a fault?

If your instrument cluster has a radio-controlled clock, it will take between 24-48 hours to readjust itself, once the instrument cluster has been reinstalled. Please remain patient, and under no circumstances try to adjust the clock manually: this will just mean that the clock will take longer to readjust itself!

Is it possible to adjust the mileage?

In specific cases, the mileage on your instrument cluster can be adjusted. You can find more detailed information on this subject here.

FAQs Packaging

Why do you sometimes not re-use the packaging I used when returning instruments?

Please remember, that packages are not sorted by hand by the courier and thus stickers such as "Fragile" or "Glass - Handle with Care" will not be recognised. This process often involves packages going through a somewhat arduous procedure and must be able to cope with - at times - somewhat rough handling.

The courier cannot be held responsible for damages caused during transit by insufficient or incorrect packaging. Insured shipping only means that the value of the goods will be paid out if the goods are lost, not damaged.

For this reason, we pay particular attention to the quality of our packaging, to ensure that your valuable and costly goods are packed as securely as possible and reach you in one piece. This saves both you and us trouble, time and money. Although we always have the most parts that can be damaged during transit in stock, and would therefore be in the position to send these on to you, we believe that prevention is better than further repair work. Therefore, we exchange all insufficient, unsafe or damaged packaging.

Our packaging materials are safe, can be reused, and have been verified and approved by the courier service UPS. We charge you the cost price for these materials.

What is the safest way of packaging my instrument?

If it is still in a good condition, the best thing to use is the instrument's original packaging. If it isn't, or you no longer have it, then you should ensure that your packaging meets the following requirements:

  • A stable cardboard box.
  • There should be 2-4 cm space all round the instrument.
  • This space should be padded out by suitable filling material (e.g. bubble wrap, polystyrene chips, scrunched up newspaper or kitchen paper, etc.)

Make sure you choose the correct postage rate - never send your package as a "small parcel": Always choose an option which includes insurance!

Sample Pictures

FAQs Hired instruments

Why isn't it possible to get a hired instrument cluster for all vehicles?

Hired clusters can only be delivered for Mercedes and BMW. The immobilisers of other car makes are in the instrument cluster, which would mean re-coding the instrument cluster by your garage and then adjusted to fit your vehicle, thus involving further costs and labour.

We guarantee that you won't need to be without your vehicle for longer than necessary: all standard repairs are carried out the same day and the instruments sent to you the same day.

Do you have any other hired instruments other than instrument clusters?

We would be happy to provide you with other types of instrument (MIDs, on-board computers, monitors etc.) Please contact us to discuss your individual requirements.