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Navigation system repair service

  • Your navigation system can't read the CD anymore?
  • Display turns white or black?
  • Navigation system won't switch on?
  • Navigation system can't find the location?
  • Navigation system calculates the route incorrectly?

Navigation system errors

Your initial suspicion led you to think that your navigation system was beyond repair and needed to be replaced. This is however rarely the case!

Until now the only solution for read errors and other defects was to replace the complete navigation system. In other words: New navigation system @ 2,349.00 EUR + coding @ 100.00 EUR + installation @ 100,- EUR, making a total bill of 2,549.00 EUR (example case). And of course without any sort of guarantee that the same problem could crop up again in the future.

This is now no longer the only choice you have! You and your customers can take advantage of our navigation system repair service!

VW MIB 2 Discover Media STD2 BMW CIC E60, E63 Audi MMI 3G

Strong, reliable and professional!