Control Unit - Hyundai Sonata - airbag computer
In the event of an accident, all crash data will be saved. Delete crash data and re-programme control unit (computer).
from 155,00 EUR
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* All prices quoted include statutory value added tax.
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95910-25200, 9591025200
95910-25300, 9591025300
95910-25500, 9591025500
95910-25600, 9591025600
95910-25800, 9591025800
95910-39900, 9591039900
95910-1C200, 959101C200
95910-1C600, 959101C600
95910-2C100, 959102C100
95910-2C200, 959102C200
95910-2E000, 959102E000
95910-2E100, 959102E100
95910-2E400, 959102E400
95910-2E600, 959102E600
95910-2E700, 959102E700
95910-3A100, 959103A100
95910-3A400, 959103A400
95910-3C200, 959103C200
95910-3D200, 959103D200
5W K42928, 5WK42928
5W K42929, 5WK42929
5W K42931, 5WK42931
5W K42932, 5WK42932
5W K43067, 5WK43067
5W K43070, 5WK43070
5W K43215, 5WK43215
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