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Repairs - Mercedes Axor II LKW - Lighting failure instrument cluster

Lighting failure in the instrument cluster.

The lighting in the speedometer fails temporarily or permanently. The failure can also only affect individual areas of the instrument cluster.


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A 001 446 17 02, A0014461702
A 001 446 92 21, A0014469221
A 001 446 95 21, A0014469521
A 001 446 97 21, A0014469721
A 001 446 98 21, A0014469821
A 002 446 00 21, A0024460021
A 002 446 83 21, A0024468321
A 003 446 22 21, A0034462221
A 003 446 74 21, A0034467421
A 003 446 97 21, A0034469721
A 004 446 34 21, A0044463421
A 004 446 81 21, A0044468121
A 005 446 25 21, A0054462521
A 002 446 88 21, A0024468821

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