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Repairs - Mercedes G W463 (1999) - Partial complete failure instrument cluster

Partial complete failure in the instrument cluster.

Individual or several functions of the speedometer fail. The errors can occur sporadically or be present all the time.


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A 463 540 04 47, A4635400447
A 463 540 19 47, A4635401947
A 463 540 25 47, A4635402547
A 463 540 30 47, A4635403047
A 463 540 34 47, A4635403447
A 463 540 35 47, A4635403547
A 463 540 36 47, A4635403647
A 463 540 38 47, A4635403847
A 463 540 40 47, A4635404047

110.008.843/001, 110008843001
110.008.845/001, 110008845001
110.008.875/006, 110008875006
110.008.891/005, 110008891005
110.008.915/037, 110008915037
110.008.915/039, 110008915039

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