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Repairs - Mercedes SLK R170 - LIM error

The "LIM" indicator lights up in the instrument cluster.

If the instrument cluster goes to sleep when the ignition is switched off, the LIM indicator remains switched on or it comes on and lights up continuously, which drains the battery.


from 256,00 EUR *
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* All prices quoted include statutory value added tax.

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A 170 540 01 11, A1705400111
A 170 540 15 11, A1705401511
A 170 540 16 11, A1705401611
A 170 540 21 11, A1705402111
A 170 540 22 11, A1705402211
A 170 540 28 11, A1705402811
A 170 540 29 11, A1705402911
A 170 540 34 11, A1705403411
A 170 540 35 11, A1705403511
A 170 540 36 11, A1705403611
A 170 540 41 11, A1705404111
A 170 540 42 11, A1705404211
A 170 540 49 11, A1705404911
A 170 540 50 11, A1705405011
A 170 540 54 11, A1705405411
A 170 540 55 11, A1705405511
A 170 540 65 11, A1705406511
A 170 540 67 11, A1705406711
A 170 540 69 11, A1705406911
A 170 540 71 11, A1705407111

110.008.832/021, 110008832021

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