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Repairs - Mercedes Vaneo W414 - Direction indicator light failure

Indicator displays in the instrument cluster defective.

If the left indicator is flashing, the indicator control in the instrument cluster indicates right and vice versa. Or it only flashes in one direction, regardless of how the indicator lever is switched. Also affects the indicators on the vehicle.


from 256,00 EUR *
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* All prices quoted include statutory value added tax.

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A 414 446 00 21, A4144460021
A 414 446 01 21, A4144460121
A 414 446 02 21, A4144460221
A 414 446 03 21, A4144460321
A 414 446 10 21, A4144461021
A 414 446 11 21, A4144461121
A 414 446 12 21, A4144461221
A 414 446 13 21, A4144461321

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