The speed needle does not move and no longer displays anything. The trip and total kilometre counters continue to function normally.
83800-0H010-C, 838000H010C
83800-0H011-A, 838000H011A
83800-0H012-A, 838000H012A
83800-0H013, 838000H013
83800-0H042, 838000H042
83800-0H052, 838000H052
83800-0H071-A, 838000H071A
83800-0H073-A, 838000H073A
83800-0H083-A, 838000H083A
83800-0H180-A, 838000H180A
83800-0H180-B, 838000H180B
83800-0H200-A, 838000H200A
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