The direction indicator fails temporarily or completely. The failure can affect one or both indicators.
Please only send in the BSI for repair.
9625812380, 9634960880, 9634960980
9634961080, 9634961180, 9634961280
9634961380, 9634961480, 9634961580
9634961980, 9634962280, 9635436680
9635436780, 9636691880, 9641573380
9641573480, 9641573680, 9641573780
9641573880, 9641573980, 9641574080
9641574380, 9641574480, 9641574580
9641574680, 9641574780, 9641574880
9641575480, 9641576480, 9643400880
9643400980, 9643401180, 9643401280
9643401380, 9643401680, 9643402180
9643402280, 9643402380, 9643402480
9643402580, 9643403280, 9643404380
9644980180, 9645096080, 9645096180
9645096280, 9645096380, 9645096480
9645096580, 9645096880, 9645096980
9645847080, 9645847180, 9645847280
9645847380, 9645847480, 9645847880
9648095080, 9648297780, 9648578080
9648578280, 9648836380, 9648836480
9648836580, 9648836680, 9648836780
9648836880, 9648836980, 9648837080
9648837180, 9648837280, 9648837480
9648837680, 9648838580, 9648873280
9651740080, 9651740180, 9651740280
9651740380, 9651740380, 9651740480
9651740580, 9651740680, 9651740780
9651741180, 9651741580, 9651744280
9652246780, 9655327780, 9655976280
9655976380, 9656414980, 9656696180
9656696280, 9656696380, 9656696480
9656696580, 9656696680, 9656697180
9656697280, 9656697480, 9659728980
9659729080, 9659729180, 9659729280
9659729480, 9659730280, 9659730680
9659730880, 9659731180, 9673798980
BSI: BSI Siemens COM 2000
9645747380, 9645747480, 9646775080
9646775180, 9646777280, 9646777380
9646777480, 9648715280, 9648715380
9648777380, 9649627780, 9649627880
9649627980, 9649811380, 9649811480
9649811580, 9650584580, 9650584680
9650584780, 9650585680, 9650585680
9650585780, 9650585880, 9652474380
9652474480, 9652474580, 9652474680
9652474780, 9652474880, 9652474980
9653667280, 9653667380, 9653667480
9653667580, 9653667680, 9653667780
9653677880, 9655221080, 9655221180
9655221280, 9655708380, 9655708480
9657909880, 9657999380, 9657999680
9657999780, 9657999880, 9659579180
9661633380, 9662463380
S1108085200L, S118085100, S118085100K
S118085120, S118085120A, S118085120B
S118085120F, S118085200, S118085200E
S118085200G, S118085200H, S118085200I
S118085210D, S118085210E, S118085220
S118085220B, S118085220E, S118085220F
S118085300, S118085300H, S118085300I
S118085300J, S118085300M, S118085300N
S118085310D, S118085320, S118085320A
S118085320C, S118085320E, S118085320F
S118085330E, S118085400A, S118086310
S120104500, S120104600I, S120104600L
S120104700J, S120104700L, S120104700N
BSI Siemens T1:
962581238002, 962581238003, 962646088002
962646088003, 963816068000
S105872100D, S105872100G, S105872300D
S105872300E, S105872300G
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