The backlighting in the display flickers. The information is not displayed correctly or the display remains completely dark. The failure can affect one or both displays.
110.008.722/007, 110008722007
110.008.722/008, 110008722008
110.008.722/009, 110008722009
110.008.722/010, 110008722010
110.008.722/015, 110008722015
110.008.722/026, 110008722026
110.008.722/035, 110008722035
110.008.722/039, 110008722039
110.008.722/052, 110008722052
110.008.722/057, 110008722057
110.008.722/058, 110008722058
110.080.229/119, 110080229119
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