The analogue displays in the instrument cluster are not working. The failure may affect one or more pointers.
7L5 920 870, 7L5920870
7L5 920 870 A, 7L5920870A
7L5 920 870 B, 7L5920870B
7L5 920 870 C, 7L5920870C
7L5 920 870 CX, 7L5920870CX
7L5 920 870 D, 7L5920870D
7L5 920 875, 7L5920875
7L5 920 875 A, 7L5920875A
7L5 920 875 H, 7L5920875H
7L5 920 880, 7L5920880
7L5 920 880 A, 7L5920880A
7L5 920 880 B, 7L5920880B
7L5 920 885, 7L5920885
7L5 920 885 C, 7L5920885C
7L5 920 970 A, 7L5920970A
7L5 920 970 B, 7L5920970B
7L5 920 970 E, 7L5920970E
7L5 920 970 G, 7L5920970G
7L5 920 970 H, 7L5920970H
7L5 920 980 D, 7L5920980D
7L5 920 980 E, 7L5920980E
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