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0511 / 67 66 97 0

Speedo Repair Service

  • Analogue gauges stopped working?
  • Digital gauges stopped working?
  • Speedo background lighting broken?
  • Total Instrument cluster breakdown?
  • Needles stuck?

VW Golf 6 (1K/5K)

Pixel errors

  • Individual dots or rows of dots are missing in the display matrix of the instrument cluster.
  • The information displayed is either difficult or impossible to read.
  • Certain information can only be displayed in part, not at all, or only after a change in temperature.

Skoda Octavia II (1Z) - High before and after repair

Défauts sur le tableau de bord

Your initial suspicion led you to think that your instrument cluster was beyond repair and needed to be replaced. This is however rarely the case!

Until now, the only way to solve the problem was to exchange the defective instrument cluster with an expensive replacement. In other words: New instrument cluster @ 470.00 EUR + coding @ 100.00 EUR + installation @ 44.00 EUR, leaving a hole in your pocket of 614.00 EUR in total (example case). And of course without any sort of guarantee that the same problem could crop up again in the future.

This is now no longer the only choice you have! You and your customers can take advantage of our repair service!

Ford Focus II RS Fiat 500

Audi S5 (8T) MOPF


Quick, reliable and professional!

DTS Repair Service: It really helps - endurance guaranteed!